unfurling (a scroll)
John R. Campbell
The essential relation between death and language flashes up before us, but still unthought.
--Heidegger (superscript mine)
sic intentionally preserving the error
kne never abandoning silence
ssa red silence searing my tongue
sli cunning like that--
ter the very earth,
ary its delicate atmospheres
dev as we devolve
ice pining for cold ages
me and you
an so antsy in
sa your sapphire chair--
re remember
en ending
ds that kiss?
acr acrid moon,
isp an inspiration.
del delicate
ive possessions,
ryy our questions.
ets each morsel,
ome each slat,
thi your thighs pressed
ngo against (o) my thighs,
fth we move ever forth
ees even as time remains
sen where it is
cei see, for this I
slo love you slowly. I
st resist never resist
ceaseless winds
pour in from the sea
yo the reason for awe, or
ur ecstasy: existence
wo (and non-)itself, worthy
rt of everything: of rot,
hy of urban decay,
go of travelling viruses, &
al the encompassing smirk
ab of (abstract) death
ou out of molds (hollows,
tt and what they betray)
ob obsessive absence
es rises,
wa wailing
ll at penetrable walls.
ow allow for the dead:
ed (verb) the past--repast
ste steam rising,
mth methodically chaotic,
eti from food, or
deo a series of decorated
fal cakes: red (memorized)
lth oak leaf icing,
isu public & familiar,
gli gliding past the actual
nes past. image as attribute:
s singularity wanes
offshore rocks
are stroked by the sea
fet fetish, that colonial word:
chi enchantment, amulet,
sth luck of the seventh son.
edi edifice remains
sta as stable as it is,
nce nicely absorbing the other
ove suns, sheltering eggs,
rwh possessing the whole,
ich forming icons of chitin
win and gold. o, triumphant
dac silence. while flowers
ts( are teased by the wind,
aso associated with the wind
ver by overt (egg-laying) bugs.
wat fervent, the insects
er) are (convey) desire
the storm opens
to turquoise
yo I like to sleep
ub in public,
et let my body
ra radiate
ye dreams. the
dm dim (ancient) scraps,
yt spurning reason,
ru rustle
st in the street
lis listless
ten (latent) tension
asm usually assumes
yap its speech:
pet petite nouns,
ite trite possessives,
sin forbidden verbs.
cre creeds emerge:
ase ascendance
in which X is an unknown
number, counting time: the dancer accords her body
the power to alter narrative time, moving back &
forward within a circumscribed space (space
especially circumscribed, ritually circumscribed,
circumscribed by light, separate yet communal space,
in which to enact choreographed time. not ascendance:
and you, so I
so long crave
gone in to leave,
natural for woods
numbers, or peaks,
heavy- for depths
lidded closed-off
eyes not to sight,
exactly precisely
opening, entering
pouting a melancholy
like they pleasure,
taught you, learning
skidding to careen.
in your my lovely
noir car mystery:
on wet the moist
city streets, understory,
hoping fecund
against with decay.
hope my desire:
to acquire to own
a circum- the whole,
scribed to write
place: you my location,
won't you to please
want too a yearning
much plenitude
dead gorse
litters the dunes
olo olive-colored
veo veils
exq disquieting
uis vice
ite site of intersecting
thr throngs
ush ushering in
com some new composure
evi evicting specifics
sit of place
mei o metropolis
nmy possessed
sor by assorted
row tomorrows
her hear me not
e swallow me
diamonds in the rough:
I thought of jewels in unruly grass
guess I was wrong
anar Impatient quivering spider,
chai see (with all those eyes)
cski how I praise the open sky?
ll: ho Now I home in only
ldin on the ever-laden moment.
gfor I'll not glorify
thun the thunderous past,
tilt nor pry at a crooked future.
heho Funny how a mere suggestion,
usec a thirty second sketch,
omes becomes a meditative web
down spun of one's own hunger.
makes arcs in the sand
It's at this point
information becomes vague,
the banner on the street
of some dark small town: is it
______________ Days, is it
Canyon City, the borders dissolve,
no-knowledge is the core of it,
as Canyon Cities everywhere
rise in the mind
with their staggered silhouettes.
I sing to the music
of this old guitar
as the world goes bronze,
colonized by green. Cities,
a thriving decay,
glitter in the hills. Once
every episode had me as its
center. But then
my body succumbed. My
illnesses won their domain.
I, no longer the
core, have become instead
an enclosure. I am a song:
no longer staid, I
don't deter familiar death,
don't charm or prolong
the moment. I can't
enhance the past. Emptied,
I can only carry
over sleek
& random hills.
postscript to unfurling (a scroll)
living winter trees
willful silhouettes
The fervent outpouring
the time collapsed to
carbon: that we may live,
& transfer
some of these energies
down (generations, o ever-
genesis). Should we need
to resist, that a matrix is
against the gloaming. Or,
should it all collapse, our
attenuate against a flash,
(o vision inscribed to no
that we’ve had our moment
of more than ash,
our festival
of dust.